Professional Learning Opportunities!

Summer Academy is back! Sharpen your science instructional skills and deepen your understanding of the science concepts in your curriculum. Thanks to a generous donation Brown County educators can attend for FREE! All others are welcome to attend for a low fee.  Click here to learn more!

mySci Unit Orientation sessions are available August 5-7, 2025. Get to know the resources in your new science units so that you thrive in your classroom! These sessions are required and included in the cost of the lease. Click here to sign up!

Is your district implementing OpenSciEd? A 4-day Curriculum Launch is scheduled for June 16-19. Successful and sustainable implementation is possible with professional learning. Register now to save your spot!

Professional Learning Opportunities

The Einstein Project would argue that the single most important factor in the delivery of high quality STEM instruction is the professional learning for educators. The shift to the Next Generation Science Standards has meant that we needed to shift our philosophy on how that professional learning was delivered. While we had been known by many of our teachers as the people that "train" you on how to use a kit. Professional learning should be much more than a "training." Let's reserve that term for what we do with our pets!

On this page you can learn about all of the exciting options that the Einstein Project provides for professional learning. We hope to offer something for everyone. If you are a veteran teacher looking to add some new tools to your belt or a brand new teacher we can help! If you have any questions or need something that you do not see available, please reach out to us. We are here to support you!  or 920 884 8800