The Smithsonian Science for the Classroom collection is just about complete. Last year we added fourteen titles in grades 3-5. This year we have added nine more titles in grades 1 & 2. Watch for news on the new Kindergarten units coming in 2021! Each grade level now has units designed for NGSS in Life Science, Physical Science, Earth & Space Science, and Engineering. Limited quantities are available as we scale up our inventory. Please give us a call or email if units are no longer available and you are interested in using them. Check out the Smithsonian Science for the Classroom link on the left for more details.
Middle school teachers now have six more units to choose from. Our latest additions come from the team at OpenSciEd. These open-source units are designed for NGSS and based on research on how students learn, and what motivates learning. Educators that have started using these instructional materials have seen a profound transformation in how students are engaged in the learning process. The best part is that with open-sourced curriculum the lease costs have been reduced dramatically! If you are interested in a FREE pilot, contact us today! Over the next couple years more units will be released for middle school and elementary and high school units will follow! To read more about our OpenSciEd units click on OER curriculum on the left or follow the link below to reserve an OpenSciEd unit today!
Einstein's Sandbox has already released six makerspace project kits with dozens more in development. These kits are designed to provide students with a directed maker experiences intended to help build concrete skills that will serve them as they move on to self guided projects. These project kits come in packs of 10 here on the educator portal and provide students with all of the materials without burdening the teacher to collect it all. Read more about the maker's mind set with the link on the left. Individual kits, workshop opportunities, and Einstein Project SWAG is available in our online store.